Adult Ministry at Grace
Whether you are fresh out of college, retired, or somewhere in between we welcome you to join a variety of our adult ministries to get and stay connected through discipleship opportunities, Bible study, fellowship, and community service!
Sunday School classes for all ages and demographics meet weekly at 9:30am. Several classes use Faith Connections Nazarene curriculum, while others utilize topical or Bible study. For more information about classes and campus locations please stop by the Welcome Center in the main lobby!
Discipleship Groups are offered year-round and seasonally through Mid-week meetings (Wed. @ 6:30pm), Bible Studies (Seasonal), and Specialized (Celebrate Recovery) gatherings. We have a great team of discipleship leaders who are eager to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and friendship!
Young Adults
Whether you are a recent college graduate, graduate student, or a young professional – we welcome you! We have a wide range of young adults that are seeking friendship and spiritual growth; and meeting together more often than Sunday worship, is the best way that they stay connected and growing. We meet every Second Sunday evening for a service and fellowship outing, so if you are interested in being added to our young adult connection email, please email or connect with us on Facebook!
Men's Ministry
Our Men’s Ministry aims to create opportunities for discipleship, service and fellowship. Each month our men get together to prepare a hot and fresh breakfast with all the trimmings – followed by a time of devotional thoughts and fellowship. All men are invited to attend!
Meeting Time: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in Modular 1

Our Women’s Ministry is a vibrant community of intergenerational women, who aim to lift each other up with encouragement and support. You won’t find any cliques here, just women seeking increased spiritual growth, friendship, and fun! Follow us on Facebook to stay connected with upcoming activities or email to be added to our women’s network.
Senior Adults
Grace’s O.A.S.I.S. Ministry (Older Adults Sharing in Service) invites senior adults to a variety of meaningful life-sharing experiences.Monthly lunch events are scheduled throughout the year with key-note speakers, musicians, and/or entertainment of some type. Our aim is to celebrate the lives of our older adults while continuing to educate, challenge and inspire this very special generation to “run the race well, and finish the course with grace.” At a time when people are nearing or entering that stage of life called “retirement”, we strongly believe that God wants to “re-fire” us. The ultimate goal we have for our OASIS Ministry at Grace is three-fold: 1) to help our older adults find a place of involvement/ministry if they aren’t currently connected, 2) to renew their commitment to a ministry they’ve possibly had in the past, and 3) to encourage those who are currently serving to continue being useful to the Church and the Kingdom, whether within the walls or outside the walls of the church.
For more information about Older Adults Sharing In Service and upcoming events, please email
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our Grace Adult Ministry here at Grace Church click the link below to contact us.